Wednesday, March 26, 2025
hi Hindi

Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer

by SamacharHub

By using this website from the very first time one is legally bound by these Terms & Conditions of use laid herein or in this Disclaimer Policy. If one does not agree to these terms of use or does not want to be bound by this Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer Policy, then please do not access or use SamacharHub.

One may not copy, reproduce, republish, post, download, broadcast, transmit, make available to the public or use SamacharHub’s content in a way other than one’s own personal non-commercial use. One will access and use SamacharHub in a manner that is lawful and that it does not infringe, restrict or inhibit any other user’s right to access and use SamacharHub.

SamacharHub warrants that the use of this site may not be error-free or uninterrupted or that the site will not be affected by any bugs or viruses.

SamacharHub may change any term at any point in time by posting it here online. Users need to frequently visit this policy to be aware of the changes. One’s continued use after these policies have been posted online will mean that the user agrees and complies with these policies.

If any term is found to be illegal in any country or state where this is effective, then the same shall be severed and removed. However, the other terms of this policy will continue to hold good.

All these terms of use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India.

All queries and clarifications on this Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer Policy are to be addressed to